Featured Runner of the Week
Every runner deserves to be featured here! All have their unique attributes and stories. The aim of having a Featured Runner of the Week is not to necessarily single out any individuals but to feature runners who through their uniqueness may one day inspire you to run or reach for new running highs. In our Featured Runner of the Week posts, we will introduce runners of the past, present and future. Runners who are well known in running circles and runners who very few people heard of. They all have something to contribute. Some have made great impact on the sport, like Emil Zatopek, who is thought to have introduced interval training en route to winning 3 gold medals at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. Others broke endurance barriers that are hard to imagine could be broken – Scott Jurek comes to mind here with his numerous ultra marathon victories and record times. But it’s not all about the highlights either. Every runner has broken their own barriers, whether it was the first big obstacle to take the first running step or entering a race. Each runner will have their own story which to them may not seem great but to others can be inspiring.
We welcome your feedback and nominations of runners who you feel deserve to be featured here. Our Featured Runner of the Week is selected at random. As I have pointed out before, every runner deserves to be mentioned and we will do our best to select a wide field of runners to bring their stories for you to enjoy. Along with a short bio and runner accomplishments we will try to find as many links to articles and videos which give more information about our featured runner for you to enjoy and be able to explore on your own. We appreciate your comments and reviews of this page and hope you will find your running idols amongst the featured runners.