Category: Fun Run

November 6, 2014

Running Tips Beginners

Running Tips Beginners! Two years ago, I was a beginner runner. Having covered over 2500 miles (4000km), running half a dozen races and the distance greater than half a marathon on more than 10 occasions (including a marathon) during this time, I’ve learned lots of new things about running. Some tips I discovered right at the beginning, others came later. I would like to share […]

July 24, 2014

Get In Shape For Zombie Run UK

Motivation to get in shape is often difficult to find. First obstacle is usually time, then the issue of those extra pounds we’re carrying and finally, the regime and boredom of repetitive exercises. Do not get me wrong, I have found the calling and enjoy my exercises and running but it took me years to get off my backside and realise the importance of exercise […]